
Post here if you have any strategy tips to share
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Post by irimiadan »

How does a crop quality increase? I have a level 4 crop unit producing 30 quality grapes.

Why doesn't relocate store doesn't work on my already bought land?

How can I increase or decrease the Wage and Unemployment into a city provided if I am not Mayor?

When i start a city from scratch how can i put the small houses wich are present in a normal game generated city?
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Re: Questions

Post by Spac3y »

irimiadan wrote:How does a crop quality increase? I have a level 4 crop unit producing 30 quality grapes. - Quality crop increases every year by 1 level

Why doesn't relocate store doesn't work on my already bought land? - This is to annoy you

How can I increase or decrease the Wage and Unemployment into a city provided if I am not Mayor? - Unemployment will be effected by many things although job openings will help bring people into the city as well as quality of life

When i start a city from scratch how can i put the small houses wich are present in a normal game generated city?
- You cant
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Re: Questions

Post by bdubbs »

The issue with your crops not increasing in quality is probably because your inventory is backed up. The increase in quality from your crop growing units leveling up does not affect the quality of the crops already stored in your inventory unit. So in order to see the gains in quality from crops you need to first sell or dispose of all the low quality inventory you currently have stored.
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