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Leadership Scenario - Expected COO/CTO/CMO Costs?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:36 pm
by infoscott
This weekend I played the leadership scenario which allows you to hire C-Suite executives for 20% of the cost. Looking forward to a huge cost reduction, but still nervous about the expense in the early game, I hired a CTO when my company was around $48 million annual profit, expecting to pay only a few million. (I had heard that CTO and CMO were cheaper than hiring a COO in regular games.) To my surprise, the new hire wanted $14 million a year, and I purposefully chose one without R&D experience. I chose this one for Training expertise and a personality who believes in training, hoping to get my R&D labs either trained faster or cheaper.

To my annoyance, the CTO put training at about 40%. I'm guessing with 100 expertise he had a 50% cost reduction, but still, I'd rather the R&D labs be at max training. I was playing in the Photography class only, so early R&D was mostly to research new products anyway. Later I added watches, but was still trying to keep product diversity limited. By the time my annual earnings were $140 million, the CTO's raises brought him up to $30 million a year. At that last salary increase I let him go and saved a LOT of money! I one the game shortly later without his drain on my annual profits.

Also, as I hired him after the first subgoal, the +20 to R&D expertise he never got! It would have been too expensive to hire him before I achieved that goal.

So are my expectations off, or is this scenario bugged? And more importantly, what is a reasonable expectation in a regular game to pay for a COO, CMO, or CTO. I know the salaries scale to annual earnings or revenue, so answers as a percentage of those numbers still would be very helpful.