Idea: Personal/Business Grants & Adopt a Community Building

City Economic Simulation DLC for Capitalism Lab
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Idea: Personal/Business Grants & Adopt a Community Building

Post by WilliamMGary »

These are broad outlines of this idea, I don't feel like typing too much atm and need to clear them out my head.

Personal Business / Grants
-A Person/Business can provide a various term (years) grant to the city to some of the cities major departments to offset the cost to the city.
Example: 3YR Personal/Business Grant for Administrative Expenses, Education, Police Department, Fire Department, Health Care, Cultural Services, Sports & Recreation, Unemployment Benefits.
-The Person/Business would have the option to specify the number of years of the grant (1,2,3,4,5) and the portion of the expenses they would like to contribute in 5% increments (5%, 10%, 15% etc of the projected police department budget).
-The Person/Company would be charged immediately the amount necessary to fund the grant which will then be transferred to the city coffers immediately.

Adopt A Community Building
I personally hate having Community Building as a loss center on the corporate balance sheet but I've learned to cope with it since Real Estate really offsets the costs.
-A Person/Business can adopt a community building.
-Ownership would remain with the city but the Person/Business can change the name (William M Gary Hospital, WMGP Corp Hospital etc)
-When a person/business "Adopts A Community Building" they cover the monthly operating expenses for that facility (transfer the amount to the city coffers) for as long as they have adopted it.
-If a person Adopts a community building it shows up in the Persons Report in a section similar to mansions showing their adopted facilities
-This could work with the expansion of Attitudes Toward You, Population Approval Rating, Name recognition if these things are implemented into the game.

This is simply a suggestion to be discussed and a way to deal with later stages in the game where companies and CEOs are flushed with capital and doesn't have anything to do with it. There's probably more to this then what I posted but those are the key points that were stuck in my head that I wanted to get out before I forgot about them.
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