Relocate firms to other cities

City Economic Simulation DLC for Capitalism Lab
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Relocate firms to other cities

Post by WilliamMGary »

um...I would like to see the ability to relocate firms to other cities. In a game called Starpeace or something like that (Multi-Player business SIM game) people became mayors in the cities in which they have major operations and/or relocated their facilities to the city they are elected in. This allowed them to give tax breaks to their business, as well as provide jobs to the citizens in the city upon their election.

This is not a do or die feature but I think for the City Economic Simulation it would make a lot of sense to allow us to move firms know cities. In theory a CEO would run for office in a city in which they already have large operations in but just in case a player didn't plan ahead for such a thing this would be a fail safe of sorts.....actually this would be needed to enhance subsidiaries so if you become Mayor or Rome and you acquire 75% stake in a company now you can move their jobs to your city etc.
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