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Tutorial file changes from v2.7.xx to v3.4.xx

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:18 am
by David
Please follow the below instructions for upgrading your tutorial translation files from Capitalism Lab v2.7.xx to v3.4.xx.

You may use WinMerge (download for free from: to compare the tutorial files between v2.7.xx to v3.4.xx and make the changes as the tool indicates.

Alternatively you may manually make the changes as follows:

The blue highlights below are the modifications to tutorial text files from v2.7.xx to v3.4.xx:

File: tut01.txt:

The window updates to show all products available from the local seaports. At this stage you don't need to concern yourself with the information provided with each product (freight costs, ratings, brand and other information will explained in a later tutorial).^^For now, let's just purchase the first product on the list to get things moving. Click the ~SELECT~ button now.^^

Text Box=32,270,300,0
Pointer=360, 482, 448, 497
Window=Select Supplier

File: tut03.txt:

We want to find out what products can be made from ~Timber~, so click the ~INPUT~ button.

Text Box=280,580,400,0

File: tut07.txt:

Now click ~OUTPUT~ and select ~Air Conditioner~.

Text Box=300,280,400,0
Pointer=672,472, 745, 488

Re: Tutorial file changes from v2.7.xx to v3.4.xx

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:23 pm
by ayumi
Incidentally I think that is better to remove the blank line that is between the [TEXT] header and body of tut08.txt line:80.