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Recommend some thing

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:00 am
by dimond
to developer

Stock market question is possible adapt stock market ? maybe can you add some fuction like a dow jone, Economic sim dlc. It's more realistic GDP and stock market.and growth rate each corporate.

1.1when i issue my stock for discount. Now i don't feel why i must discount my share more.

1.2 A.I buy my stock all. I see lone time Ai trade buy or sell. (Maybe adjust simulate)

2.if possible trade asset with AI and Player. Maybe it show bargain price who is need to buy


5.make a Tender by government for the new business
Ex.telecom = auction spectrum ex.1800mhz 900mhz

Ex.train business = rail line colour set by government (maybe show where a bad trffic.the rail line will start tender expensive)

Ex.renewable energy = purpose to sell electric to this fuction it must offer by government
And who is government must see in your city people has lack of electric?or lack of water? (Make a ratio each city)If not enough. Government will open tender ex wind energy,solar farm,waste biomass,water power

Demand factor of electric and water is depend on amout of build ex house,apartment,retail store,factory etc.

But i think if use script 1900 must start at coal for electric.and 2000 or 2010 just begin renewable energy
And who need to invest must R&D before i think 10 year+ hahaha

For the waste biomass= do the ratio of in city government see more can fix this problem by offer waste biomass tender

Each tender help me brainstrom to consider about monopoly license or share license

Maybe do the " random event fuction percent ".ex.Wind turbine towers are wise Can not produce power
Player will turn to look that and fix problem.ex. It was determined that the need for repairs a two years.make a silder box the player to adjust the repairs . For example, if the adjustment will reduce the time to repair it , but will have to pay for more expensive repairs . 1 = best and expensive / insurance 2=normal / insurance 3= cheap

It depend on how pubilc has money?and this business it good in old adult period.

7.warehouse i think it should be ex.
Small warehouse = just 2 floor
Large warehouse = it can up to 3 floor

Large warehouse must have more expense than small

So it will show benefit what the warehouse can do. when player need to export or sell goods from data center(Digital Age DLC)

I think retail store it should't up to 3 floor every firm? Please DAVID consider these for adjust balance game

I like Economic Sim DLC. It is nice feature to develop another form

Re: Recommend some thing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:48 pm
by eleaza
For so many suggestions, I suppose they would be much easier to understand if you break them apart into separate posts. One suggestion per post.

And probably write them down with your native language, and someone here can help translate your suggestions to proper English. I tried really hard, and still don't get half of them.