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A few things (One Post | Idea question dump)

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 2:37 pm
by WilliamMGary
I feel terrible coming in here asking a question because I had the opportunity to be part of the beta but I instead didn't participate but now that I'm playing I have questions/ideas.

1. Why can't I join an existing political party?
2. Can we have a newsfeed for each specific city?
Background: I'm playing a script with 15 cities if I want to identify areas in the new city that the government is developing in there's no way I can find this info out, however, if I can look at Recent Events / News for a specific city in the city window then I could quickly and easily catch up with whats happening in the communicate.
3. On the cities window I use my scroll bottom on my bonus to look at the various charts and it goes left to right instead of up and down is there a reason for this?