Warehouse has a problem

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Warehouse has a problem

Post by ontow »

5.1.11 and CAPWORLD_SPACE 3.5.0

Please look at this picture.
This warehouse was working before taking a screen shot.
However, suddenly, it was stopped and I don't know why.
I deleted the Storage of center and then rebuild a Storage at center.
Finally, it is working but only two center and bottom storage are working.
If you need my save file, let me know.
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Re: Warehouse has a problem

Post by Obiwan »

This is actually one my lowly self can answer.

Your input modules are maxed level, you have poured the training money in and now you are seeing how much more efficient things are.

What you are seeing here is not a change in the output or the input but the benefits of said training and how much more storage and utilization each module has.

Bottom line is what you are seeing here is a sign that you could ditch the centre row and create an all new input - output with no dmg done to the original supply (provided you link correctly.)

HOWEVER!!! - the bigger issue is that your mine is running out of supply and has gone into what I call "economy mode" .... basically its nearly done and the game is not supplyin as much per month which David would have to confirm but I've always assumed it's to afford you time to find a new source of supply. Rather than continue the same huge amount of mining and come to halt in less than a month it seems to calculate whats left and offer "rations" accordingly.

So in a nutshell your warehouse is super efficient and your supply of Silver is about to run out.

EDIT: One telling sign of where the logistics issues lie is in the input module. You can see supply (yellow) is low and demand (orange) is high .. you can see that full storage is not achieved and the utilization of 27% is basically telling you that the balance between supply demand input and output are not in balance and nothing about the setup is efficient.

Then the icon for the silver source itself shows the same issue showing that the mine is not providing its maximum supply and the only reason a mine would not have a maxed out supply is if there is not much resources left which 47k most definitely means.

Hope all this helps! Cap Lab and Cap 2 are complex beasts but the visual feedback is second to none ... you just need to understand what you are looking at.

EDIT 2: The big "FOR SALE" sign is a big hint too.

EDIT 3: The linkage on your storage modules isn't helpin either. You are sending the input to the center and then down to the bottom and THEN to the output. If you link the center to the output diagonally i bet you that supply bar suddenly appears. But this is not going to solve the bigger problem - time to find a new Silver source my friend :D one little advanced tip is that you can automate this process by pressing the "A" icon just to the left of where your modules are. What that does is automatically attempt to link inputs for you and in the case where the mine runs out the warehouse will attempt to find a new source of the same material under the criteria you have allowed for. So if there is someone sellin Silver it will automatically switch to the cheapest/best quality offer though how those 2 qualities are weightin im not entirely sure ... I have never seen it be dumb and im pretty sure it opts for quality over price but do not quote me.

Of course if you were to purchase silver yourself and provide a mine with enough training you could end up being able to supply your warehouse and factories and sell the rest for a profit .. you could even setup the mine to have 3 rows of input - output and send 2 to the warehouse and your factories and the 3rd to another warehouse where you set a price and ask the question HOW BADLY do you want my silver Mr Computer?
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Re: Warehouse has a problem

Post by ontow »

Thank you for your help.
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Re: Warehouse has a problem

Post by ontow »

I tried to find cause and got the answer.
The reason why my warehouse didn't work is the storage which connect to other storage is never clean up the stock value.
Please look at attached file.
There are 7 storage units and only one storage unit's stock value is zero and others have 1 or 2 oz.
When Output module connected to the storage unit of center, the storage's stock value set to 0.
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Re: Warehouse has a problem

Post by Obiwan »

Very pleased for you that you solved this one. More pleased that you did it by understanding the information and working out for yourself. The stats and bars might seem overwhelming at first but as you now know a little common sense and understanding of how each links to the other and 9/10 you can find the issue.
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