Interest rate adjustments

Banking and Finance DLC for Capitalism Lab
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Interest rate adjustments

Post by moneytheory »

Please make the changing of interest rates on the loans easier to adjust it is a really annoying to try change it when all the other rates change and you can never the rate you are wanting. It would be easier if you could adjust them individually instead.
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Re: Interest rate adjustments

Post by brightcapitalist856 »

The adjustable numbers on the loans page are not interest rates. They are percentage of loans issued to persons/companies of different credit ratings. The interest rates for each credit rating category are listed on the far left.

It would be impossible to make the percentages individually adjustable without affecting the others because they must always add to 100%. However, you could make it possible to lock/unlock the percentage for each category (say with a check box) to give the player more control over which credit rating categories would be increased/decreased when adjusting the percentages for another category.
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