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Re: New idea: City Competitiveness Rating

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:57 pm
by Esoteric Rogue
ceomoses wrote:@Esoteric Rogue - Thanks for your input! I don't know about these cities personally. I just did a little bit of research online using mainly and wikipedia. Basically, if somewhere on the Internet says that those things were manufactured there, I put it on the list. It sounds like you have more personal knowledge of Pittsburgh, so I'm editing my previous post to reflect what you advocated.

Great. Yeah, I spent a year researching Pittsburgh for my Vampire: The Masquerade campaign. That time spend unfortunately lead to the conclusion that over the board RPGs take too much time to run.

Thanks for getting us started, ceomoses.

Re: New idea: City Competitiveness Rating

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:51 am
by carpii
David wrote:With this new feature, cities which are known to the world for their strengths in specific industries will be reflected in the game.
This is a cool idea!
It could be extended to natural resources too.

Not to say resources would be scarce in certain areas, but there could be cities where the quality tends to be higher.

As an example, Gold being better quality in Nevada and California (ok so those locations aren't in Cap Lab right now)
Buenos Aires - better quality beef and leather
Dubai - Oil

Some other end product ideas..

Beijing - Electronic goods
London - hmm, no obvious products, maybe there could be some real estate tweaks there
Milan - maybe more demand for high quality fashion goods (or even a seasonal retail boost to coincide with annual fashion events)
Zurich - Chocolate Bars :-)

For simplicity, I'd propose a city just has one boost, maybe a single product (or perhaps category), rather than Kansas having SNACKS, FURNITURE, APPAREL etc. Might be accurate, but could end up getting overly complicated for the player