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media and education

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:38 pm
by bundyaxl
I think this is where the consumable media stuff can go.
I'm sure all of this has been suggested, but just throwing it out there again. Not sure what the idea is for this dlc.

Make a mechanism for making movies, music, video games, tv shows, etc.
Studio buildings for all of them.

There could be tv/radio/news that doesn't just advertise.
Cable/satellite/internet/cell phone companies.

More emphasis on education with effects on quality of workers available for factories. Higher tech will take higher education.
Maybe different classes of workers and setting wages (actual wage and option for % of market wage similar to residential/commercial). Entry level, skilled, educated, specialized, management, engineering, etc.
For example your company can build universities (that actually work) and improve education levels with subsidies (lower/free tuition) and more funding.
Maybe introduce health levels with similar mechanic.