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Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:46 pm
by cantdownloadit
I would like to see the stockmarket aspect expanded... none player/ai companies that just have stocks which can be bought and sold, the just pay a nominal dividend and cant be taken over etc, but give the chance to make/lose money through buying and selling stocks.

This would give the stockmarket some longevity and give those Stock Focused companies something to do, at the moment they buy stocks in companies, make loads of money as AI buys the stock back, then just sit there with a big pot of money doing nothing.

Re: Stockmarket

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:41 am
by dimond
+1 +1 +1 very interest

1. much more Ceo Tradeing or normal person come to trade stock market
2. Add BID / OFFER / VOLUME it will much more funny
3. AI have trade Buy and Sold

Re: Stockmarket

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:30 pm
by David
I didn't quite understand what you meant. Could you please elaborate?

Re: Stockmarket

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:32 am
by cantdownloadit
to be able to buy and sell shares in random companies - a group like say the FTSE or Hang Seng, where the stocks rise and fall (and fail) and there value is not affected by player & ai trading. Also buying shares in companies is almost always a win as they almost always gain massively in value.

at the moment AI companies buy back there stock within the first few years, and that's it nothing happens on the stock market as all the companies sit there with 100% owned by AI player (unless you refuse to sell your share). Stock based companies just sit there with huge amounts of money doing nothing.

This would add a pool of whatever..50...100... companies with very large amounts of stock each that players and AI's can invest in (with risk) - while not actually affecting the rest of the game at all.

Re: Stockmarket

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:43 am
by David
This is a good idea. Do you think it should have a different stock market that only lists this kind of, says, overseas companies? So that they won't be mixed up with the companies in the game? For instance, pressing F12 key to bring up the new stock exchange, whereas F4 is for the original stock exchange?