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Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:03 am
by WilliamMGary
So my subsidiary "founding" CEO who has been servicing for 10 years (no pay raise requests) has 0% attitude towards me.

Re: Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:36 pm
by cantdownloadit
David said they don't ask for pay rises when I asked the question, something to do with causing game problems if you refuse I think (if they quit it would probably make things explode) - I suggested to get around this that salary was set as a percentage of profit - sort of like performance related pay, but don't think anything came of it.

Re: Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:00 pm
by WilliamMGary
cantdownloadit wrote:David said they don't ask for pay rises when I asked the question, something to do with causing game problems if you refuse I think (if they quit it would probably make things explode) - I suggested to get around this that salary was set as a percentage of profit - sort of like performance related pay, but don't think anything came of it.
that's a good idea. My stock focused company CEO is making 15 million a year which is being covered by dividends so another way to determine and provide compensation would be needed. Maybe require the the CEO have an equity position of 10% at the time of hiring and sell it as a way to ensure they have motivation in increasing the value of the company because they have a stock. Over 10 years their stock would be worth enough money that they could sell % of it as needed to "Cash" out for a job well done. [

Re: Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:56 am
by cantdownloadit
I usually allow subsidiary CEOS 10-15% ownership for this reason -

(if they cant afford to buy it themselves, I fiddle - once they own a tiny % I buy it at a huge inflated offer then sell it again which gives them "a bonus" they can use to invest in stock/build mansions)

Re: Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:21 pm
by Arcnor
The problem with letting the CEO have a % of the company is that it prevents capital injections. I'm only able to complete a capital injection when I own 100%

Re: Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:35 pm
by WilliamMGary
Arcnor wrote:The problem with letting the CEO have a % of the company is that it prevents capital injections. I'm only able to complete a capital injection when I own 100%
Maybe a slider where the human player could set the CEO salary much like the one the human player CEO sets itself.....has anyone built a HQ with a Human Resources unit for a subsidiary company? Can we do that? Might be able to set a salary there.

Re: Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:11 am
by anjali
if salary related to performance .. i gonna be happy to pay zero as their performance is always poor ^^
i usually take over companies and once i got one that has a ceo with $50.000 anual salary or less, i gonna keep that one and use it as a retailer if the ceo's retailing and adv. skill is good enough. no need to pay insane wages. i was never permitted to pay myself proper wages back when i was living in germany because german laws prevent you from paying you too much to make sure you double tax company profits as if you pay yourself a proper wage you gonna reduce the companies profit too much and therefore dont pay corporation tax on the profits you did withdraw as salary.
up to 50million euro anual revenue the average salary you can have as ceo is 150k euro anual if you own the company you better off not to exeed as it will not be accepted by goverment

Re: Hiring Subsidiary CEO no attitude towards you

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 8:55 pm
by standardplayer
Check this out

Executive Compensation: