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Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political interv

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:39 pm
by Lordprotector

It is great to see this really cool game in further development. I’m a fan for years and have a session running here and there and looking for a new version.

I have one splitted suggestion for the new / enhanced game:

Suggestion 1-1: shareholder general meeting

There is a good part in the game about stock investment and Corporation interaction with other companies and the own stock. I think there should be some more about the political power a shareholder impose like a general meeting every year where the overall company success or loss is in the discussion. The meeting can propose company goals for the next period of time and check if goals of the last meeting where reached or not. Some more interactions could be possible, like the vote on the board of directors, a vote about the controlling powers of the board, maybe some votes could lead to company bonuses (like more efficient office productiveness) or negatives (like forbidding to invest or produce some goods, like drugs (cigarettes)). Maybe the CEO can propose own rules for the company which gives bonuses or negatives.

How could it work?

Thoughts about 1-1: shareholder general meeting in detail

The general meeting should be once every year at the end of december with the following content:

- Vote on the board of directors for the company
- general meeting with decisions
- others ? (to be discussed in this discussion thread)

There could be three groups of shareholders:

- the player
- the public shareholders (no specific ai individuals)
- AI individuals

In december of each year the percentage of votes is calculated from the amount of shares the company has issued and every group holds at this time.

For example the company has issued 1 000 000 shares and its spread on the groups like this :

- the player (250 000) = 25 % votes
- the public shareholders (600 000) = 60 % votes
- Business (AI) individual A (100 000) = 10 % votes
- Business (AI) individual B (20 000) = 2 % votes
- Business (AI) individual C (30 000) = 3 % votes

A shareholder with a percentage below one percent will not take part on the later voting process.

a) The Board of directors

The first meeting should additionaly constitute the board of directors which could be new constituted after:

- two years (my choice)
- a timeframe on which the general meeting can vote upon in one of its yearly meetings)

Amount of persons in this board should be eight:

- chairman (1)
- regular directors (7)

The candidates (should be double the size of the board to choose from) are generated from a list of random names. They should have the following skills:

- personality (random)
- business knowledge (random, can improve if some years in the board)
- group affection (based on how much shareholder percentage each group has plus some kind of randomnes, can improve or decrease over time the person is in the board)
- random decison making (random, to have something more unpredictible)

Vote process:

A list of the candidates with their skills is shown, including a forecast which candidates are preferred by the ai groups as chairman and as regular directors.

This could be calculated by:

- skills of the candidates
- randomness
- releations of AI individuals with the human player
- others ? (to be discussed in this discussion thread)

The player can now vote upon who he want as chairman and who as regular directors.

What could the board of directors stand for:

- give bonuses or malis for the company (production, worker effectivness)
- nothing, but now you have one :ugeek:
- more ? (to be discussed in this discussion thread)

b) The general meeting

There should be a catalog of possible questions which can be decided on a general meeting. The questions could be choosen:

- randomly from the catalog
- voted upon which question should be occur in the next general meeting.
- others ? (to be discussed in this discussion thread)

Which questions could be possible:

- Controlling of CEO fields transfered to the general meeting
-- e.g. is the dividend CEO or GE controlled (if GE, a question is activated in the question list and could be choosen from for the next or an other general meeting session)
-- more CEO fields
- others ? (to be discussed in this discussion thread)

Suggestion 1-2: Political Advertising

This leads to another part of the game which could be get more connected. The advertising and company awareness could be directed by the CEO (player) to get a majority of his shareholders for certain decisions at the general meeting. Or oppose his board of directors the kick some one of them out of office and one of his own friendly candidates in place.

How could it work?

That has yet to be discussed further ...

Suggestion 1-3: Political influence

To get even wider, there could be political elections which influence companies per city in their goals and production and on the other way around, the companies could sponsor some parties or politicians for their own agendas.

How could it work?

That has yet to be discussed further ...

That are my 2 cent to improve the game even more.

best regards


Re: Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political in

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:25 pm
by baz
Lordi, I like the ideas I suggest you do a Poll,

1.1, I think I posted something similar to what you've mentioned. The only issue I would have is, how it would fit into the current game as it's only an addon based rather than a complete re-programmed game. I'd suggest creating a poll, and trying to find a way of it fitting into the current game parameters. If the forum can find a suitable framwork that is in the exsiting game, i'm happy to raise it on the beta forum and see what David thinks.

1.2, Again I like the idea, How could it be implemented though.

1.3, It would be great but I can't see how it would work, as there is no politics in the game. And I can't see how an add on could implement that. There is a mayor's office so there is a political building, it's working how you can implement something that the CPU would understand and would use. Perhaps events maybe more sutiable.

Keep the ideas comming Lordi.

Re: Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political in

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:49 pm
by Lordprotector
Hello baz,

I'm glad you also interested in an enhanced company inside simulation and some politics.

But I don't think a poll in this forum will be representativ if not the developer himself tell us, which of the suggestions are possible in the game and do a official poll here or better on the capitalism website to reach more people.
I think a poll flood by users here is not the right way to get attention for a suggestion.

About the framework and how it could be implemented, i'm not familiar with the ingame programming in capitalism 2 or other games :ugeek: . So i can not give indepth ideas on how my suggestions would fit into the game-mechanics and how much work it is to add the feature to the game engine. I'm looking through it from my gamer point of view, not more. If you have insight into the game engine maybe you can specify why something will work and what will not work?

I see capitalism 2 has many microgaming features and company insides and politics would add a lot more to it for me. :)

best regards


Re: Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political in

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:35 pm
by baz
Lordi, I'm not an enlight employee, just a big fan and gamer and want to see new things in the game like you.
Polls are the way forward my friend, Been a beta tester and speaking with David, they do take note. They need you, more than you need them. My personal point about polls, it's simple to click, and they don't need to comment. If you look at most of the polls recently its been me creating them, for my own reasons. I now feel confident enought that if a poll seems to suggest interest, I create a post on the beta site to see what David thinks and vice versa. If you want it bad enough, create a poll to gain forum support.
I've only been on this forum a week and i'm already a beta tester, But i'm a Tarantino of Trevor Chan CAP games :ugeek: and i'm pushing for new content otherwise i'd play CAP2 but I completed it at the highest level many times over. The game was created in 2001 and really needs an enhancement above whats on offer and I need gamers like you to push it.
Just create a poll to gather support come out with an idea as to how it can work, and i'll try and help push it as much as I can.
I'm busy beta testing, as thats what I wanted but I will help you where I can.
I've created a post on beta on how I can help gamers like you and me, implement ideas into the game. Untill I get the answer, all I can ask is that you have to think CAP 2 when you want to implement something. When I mentioned framework and mechanics. Framework is how it would work ie ownership, what requrements it would need ect and mechanics are the sum that it would use ie profit = investment - income. As far as I know, they maybe willing to reprogramme the whole game if you have a good enough and popular enough idea. Just poll the forum, they may be able to help with the thread. I have no knowledge of programming, I just know the the cap series and i want to push the limits of the game to the max. If I had the time I would do so myself but I have so many threads, posts and polls aswell as beta tetsing, I struggle to see my family, as my mrs points out.
Personally Enlight seem to be the perfect gamers friend, if we want it and can show support and logic behind it, they will implemet it. There not Microsoft :D

Re: Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political in

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:54 pm
by Lordprotector
Hello baz,

thank you for your answer. I understand your point and see a lot reason with you. :)

I have edited my posting and added a poll and hope it makes it easier for people to show their oppinion.

Next i will think about how to include my suggestions into the game.

best regards


Re: Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political in

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:18 pm
by baz
Good Lordi, Glad someone listerns to me. :D
Any Ideas how to get the Mrs to listern ;)
I know, it's impossible :lol:
I'll keep a close eye on the thread and chip in where I can. Try and get the forum to help, where they can.

Re: Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political in

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:48 am
by Lordprotector
baz wrote: Any Ideas how to get the Mrs to listern ;)
I will deeply think about it and work out a framework for that! :mrgreen: ;)

Re: Suggestion:shareholder general meetings and political in

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:48 am
by Lordprotector
If have updated my first posting of my suggestion 1-1: shareholder general meeting with my first thoughts about it in detail.

Feel free to add your opionion here and make your vote. :-)

best regards
