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Confused about GDP

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:19 pm
by gbveltman
So, I have a drug company based in a city, with factories placed in it, and with retail presence in every other city. The company has sales of around $1B, and obviously exports a lot since I have stores in every city. Sales have also been growing. In the GDP Components Graphs, though the city shows exports totalling only $30 million. It's not NET exports, just total exports. This is clearly an error, or is there something I am not taking into account?

Re: Confused about GDP

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:37 pm
by David
We will investigate the problem.

Could you please provide us with your save game file and let us know the following?
1) Which version of Capitalism Lab you are using. You can see the version number on the top-right of the main menu.
2) If your savegame uses a MOD, please let us know the name of the MOD and the MOD's version number.

You can find save game files of Capitalism Lab from:
C:\Users\<your user name>\Documents\My Games\Capitalism Lab\SAVE

You may email the save game file to us at

Re: Confused about GDP

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:43 am
by megapolis
GDP Export accounts for all exports outside of the economy, not between the cities. It is a very useful chart and I hope that it will remain as is.