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No Competitors?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:30 am
by mserhatbalik

Below is my Survival mode script setup. For some reason no competitors are showing up at start. I know one or two lines are causing this but I can't pin point them. Because if I do a similar setup using the game UI everything works fine. Can you help me find the problematic parameters?

Code: Select all

Title=Custom Game
Description=Custom Parametrelerle Yaratılmış Oyun
MOD=HighRes, [Global / Local]
Survival Mode=Yes


Number of Cities=1
Your Start-up Capital Amount=500
Random Events=Occasional
Game Starting Year=1900
Retail Store Type=Many
Technology Disruption=Yes
Stock Market=Yes
Alternative Stock Sim=No
Boom-Bust Cycle Volatility=Moderate
Macro Economy Realism=High
Number of AI Persons=20
Private Company=Yes
Retail Store Floors=Multiple

Number of Competitors=15
Competitor Start-up Capital=Very High
AI Expansion Aggressiveness=Very High
AI Pricing Aggressiveness=Low
AI Expertise Level=High
AI Tech Head Start=None
Show Competitor Trade Secrets=Yes
AI Friendly Merger=No
Competence of Local Competitors=Very Low
Diversified Companies=15
Retail Focused Companies=0
Stock Focused Companies=0
Real Estate Focused Companies=0
Tech Focused Companies=0
Media Focused Companies=0
Banking Focused Companies=0
Insurance Focused Companies=0
AI Private Companies Percent=0


Consumer Goods Seaports=3
Industrial Goods Seaports=3
Constant Import Supply=No
Import Quality=Low
Randomly Disable Product Classes=0
Random Product Reinvention=0
Product Customization=Off

Factory Capacity Modifier=100


Research and Development=100
Raw Material Production=100
Product Expertise=Automobile, 100
Software Expertise = Operating System, 100
Internet Expertise = Search Engine, 100

Goal Title=Hedefin 
Goal Description=500 yıl içerisinde 100 milyar dolara sahip ol. 
Goal Achieved Text=Bravo! Hedefini gerçekleştirdin.
Goal Failed Text=Malesef hedefini gerçekleştiremedin. 
Number of Game Years=500

Player Wealth=10000000


Developed City=No
First City Cash Level=High
Public Expenses Index=100
Land Price Index=100
City Setup Cost=100
Random Global Competitiveness Ratings=No
Global Competitiveness Rating Increases=Off
Apartment Capacity Modifier=100
Commercial Building Capacity Modifier=100
Donations to Rival Political Parties=0


Software Revenue Index=100
Internet Revenue Index=100
AI Acquires Private Companies=Never
AI Tech Companies Go IPO=20 
Max AI software and Internet companies=None
Max AI software companies = 0
Max AI OS companies = 0
Max AI Internet companies = 0
Talent System = Greatly Simplified
More Talents = 500
Disruption to Traditional Media=None
Telecom Customer Stickiness = 100

[Banking and Finance DLC]
Aggressiveness of AI banks and insurance companies=Very Low
Number of AI Companies Focused on Banking=None
Number of AI Companies Focused on Insurance=None
Tendency of AI to Set Up Banks=None
Tendency of AI to Set Up Insurance Companies=None
Feature Bank=Yes
Realistic Loan Demand=Yes
Savings Rate Modifier=100
Base Loan Interest Rate=Moderate
Initial Net Interest Spread=4
Maximum Loans-to-Assets Ratio=90
Corporate Deposit Cap=10
Required Bank Capital Ratio=7
Economy Impact on Loan Defaults=Moderate
Feature Bond=Yes
Percentage of Player Capital Funded by Bond=0
Bond Credit Standard=Normal
Bond Issue Limit=9
Feature Insurance=Yes
Insurance Premiums Modifier=100
Insurance Claims=Moderate
Feature Global Stock=Yes
Initial Stock Price Modifier=50
Venture Capitalists=2
VC Capital=2
VC Diversification=1
Realistic Money Supply=Yes
Warehouse Floors=Multiple

Re: No Competitors?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:27 pm
by mserhatbalik
I've found out that;

Competitor Startup Capital -> Very High is causing an issue with spawn mechanics.
Competitor Count -> Also is affected somehow by the population?

Additional info is appreciated.

Re: No Competitors?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:15 pm
by David
It is due to "Realistic Money Supply=Yes".

When I set it to No, AI companies are founded normally.

When you set Competitor Startup Capital to Very High and Realistic Money Supply to Yes, and there isn't enough money from the public investors, then no companies are able to raise funds successfully and get started.