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How does one use R&D expertise...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:56 am
by dennisd45
...or farming expertise or training expertise or any of the other non-product related expertises? I hired a CTO with R&D expertise but it didn't seem to have any effect on R&D research. If a product was going to increase by 62 in two years without the CTO, it still only increased 62 with the CTO. My COO with farming expertise didn't seem to have any effect on my farms. How do I take advantage of these expertises?
Further research on the R&D expertise it appears that it only broken with the Real World mod. With the farming expertise, even in the vanilla game I don't see what it does.
Problem solved: I was unaware that you had to assign the manager with the relevant expertise to manage the specific firms. Learn something new every day. :oops: