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CTD - After Screen Resolution Change (from menu)

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 8:55 pm
by slkeyser
I recently purchased a new laptop. I've now installed Capitalism Lab v9.0.20. Initially it launched okay. I got to start the tutorials (because it's been awhile since I've played). The native resolution of my laptop is 2560x1600. Capitalism Lab was showing up as only using a small portion of my screen, so I decided to change the app's settings. I selected the resolution of 2560x1440.

The laptop screen turned blank, flickered a few times, then went back to the desktop. (CTD?) I tried a few more times to launch the app, but each time, upon launch, the laptop screen goes blank, flickers a bit, then goes to desktop. Capitalism Lab does not start. There is no menu displayed whatsoever.

I uninstalled Capitalism Lab, then did a fresh install. No change. The app still CTDs upon launch.

It seems there's a configuration setting that's stuck on the 2560x1440 option. (Maybe?)

I tried setting my laptop's resolution to 2560x1440, then restarting the app. No change.

Thoughts on how to undo my menu-selected resolution setting?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Re: CTD - After Screen Resolution Change (from menu)

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:23 am
by Neiwin

have you tried this?
resolution.png (46.56 KiB) Viewed 534 times
And then in the sceen mode setting, the borderless windowed mode?

Best regards

Re: CTD - After Screen Resolution Change (from menu)

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:54 am
by slkeyser
Neiwin, your suggestion worked.

I didn't even notice that "Force running in 1024x768..." checkbox. While that wasn't a one-step solution, it got me to a solution. When I launched the app with that checkbox marked, the app started. The initial screen was quite psychedelic. the startup menu was shown, but it was doubled up. It was all there, but it was there twice, once on the left, and once on the right... both sides squished together to fit into the window. And... the colors were all botched with what looked like a chromatic aberation effect. Regardless, I could make out the menu options and changed the resolution to my preference of 2560x1440. After selecting OK, the screen flickered and I was up and running. I was in 'Windowed mode'. When I tried either of the other two modes, I'd revert back to the scenario where the app would CTD before actually starting.

Using the "Force running in 1024x768..." checkbox again, I was able to get back up and running.

Problem solved, but curious that the "Full Screen Mode" and the "Borderless Window Mode" options result in a CTD.

Thanks for your very quick help! Problem solved.

Re: CTD - After Screen Resolution Change (from menu)

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:01 am
by Neiwin
You're welcome, glad you can run the game now.