Improvements and new minor features after release (list #2)

You may post your suggestions about Capitalism Lab here

Which improvements and new minor features you like the most?

Regional differences of cities (crops/resources) ( ... =14&t=1151)
Allow for setting a tech price modifier in the new game setting script file that affects all tech acquisition prices. (implemented)
New AI companies with new corporate logos (implemented)
More AI persons in a game. The player will thus have more choices for COO, CTO and CMO ( ... =14&t=1177)
Suggestion: Layout Library- Separate tab for player designs (implemented) ... f=14&t=739)
Duplicate firm ability ( ... 5509#p5509)
Able to customize the player character expertise in a script file (implemented: ... rtise.html)
Further improve COO's management policy options. (implemented)
Make it possible to type in an exact number for numerical values you want to change, in addition to using the [+][-] buttons.
Empty slot 10
Total votes: 102

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Improvements and new minor features after release (list #2)

Post by David »

This is the 2nd list of improvements and new minor features after release.

Viable improvement suggestions are made into this list for users to vote.

Like the original list, we have set up a poll for improvements and new minor features for your voting.
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by JasonLJJ »

I would like to recommend the ability to manage population growth (increase/decrease)

Also, a method to manage ALL purchases from internal sources would be a lot convenient
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by willy123 »

JasonLJJ wrote:I would like to recommend the ability to manage population growth (increase/decrease)

Also, a method to manage ALL purchases from internal sources would be a lot convenient
Second the method to manage internal source purchases.

For some reason if i toggle the internal sales after a few clients, the sales continues rather than just myself buying.
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by azuzelych »

Both thumbs up for the regional differences. Something the game has really been lacking.
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by radovan »

Oh, what a pity. I thought that the ability to choose human player's expertise was already under development with the new scripts function.

I hope you introduce this feature soon, one of the rare things I did not particularly like about the game were random elements when starting a new game. I really do not like starting the game over 50 times in order to get the expertise and cities I like :)
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by Boxster77 »

Good choices here hard to choose, but the duplicate sounds like a time saver and more time to focus on running the company.
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by Daisuki-chan »

I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I see empty slots, and it may be a bit much to have a new topic just for this. What I want is to be able to sell land (not land that has firms on it, where I can sell the firm (very very undesirable) or the firm and the land, but empty land I own) when I choose the close firms option from among close firms, borrow money, sell shares, and bankruptcy. It could be renamed close firms or sell land if wanted. Obviously when you end up with negative cash the bank won't always give you loans that you can choose to immediately mostly pay back if you wish, so it is simply INFURIATING (and reload-encouraging; VERY BAD) to have lots of land that you stored money in (because it's better than cash and you for example need a lot of money for new advertising; I also sometimes buy land that I may later put new firms of various types on (depending on the location and possible near future firm needs); it's cheaper to buy it now than later, even considering inflation) but only be allowed to close firms or declare bankruptcy. It's simply moronic that I can't sell land when I have even a single empty tile of it, which is invariably worth hundreds of thousands if not far, far, far more. I need to be able to exit the firm screen without it popping back to the menu of woefully incomplete choices. If that's too hard or not possible then add a new option to simply sell land; it is so obviously an asset that it's ridiculous to be unable to sell it in those situations.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the non-option of selling new shares. You have to buy them back for more than they're sold for (especially if they're not bought back immediately and jerksons buy them and then demand triple the share value, a value already above the price you received for selling them) and for no apparent reason you have little control over exactly how many you sell (so you always have to sell too many, losing you yet more money!), so it's pointless next to selling land. If I truly wanted to sell more shares I'd already have sold them.

EDIT 2: I guess while I'm at it, I'd like a way to sell land faster. Clicking each individual tile just wastes my time. Perhaps you could make right-clicking when in the buy land mode sell land (that doesn't have firms on it, of course). Also, please add 4x4, 5x5, and 6x6 options. Sometimes I want to buy or sell a lot of land, and 3x3 still takes forever in that case. Ideally it would be more like in SimCity, where you simply drag to zone an area of land of any size you please. Being able to do that to both buy and sell land would be ideal, and you could simply remove the #x# tile options at that point.

And another REALLY ought to make it possible to type in an exact number for EVERYTHING numerical you can change, no exceptions. The interface is not modern until you do this. It's REALLY useful, and ease of use should make the game more attractive to humans that you want to sell it (and the franchise, and don't forget about the Enlight brand, right? ;p) to. You also should never round to dollars for's pointless. I want to see (and set!) that I'm selling gold rings for $1234.56 or whatever. It's really annoying to click the button and not know whether nothing happened or if the price changed, but by less than a dollar. This happens in some cases, and it simply wastes my time (just like those buttons do when I simply want to type a price immediately and move on; this also applies to all stock market stuff (ALL; no more clicking for 1% or 0.1%; I want to buy or sell single shares if I feel like it!), all marketing stuff, all everything, always, forever and ever, amen).

I guess you can fill all those options now, but you really ought to do ALL of these things unless you like the game being clunky and opaque in terms of usability; it's your choice to make a less attractive game, after all.

EDIT 3: Maybe it would help you understand my posts a bit better if explained how I speak in my posts. I really like lots of things this game offers compared to other games, but that just makes me really dislike how backwards it is in other ways. I will often curse out loud when the game arbitrarily says "hahaha, you can't sell land, fuck you" because it means either reloading or blowing $$$ with stupid stock nonsense I can't even minimize the negative impact of because I can't type numbers in. If you fixed the latter while maintaining or improving the former you'd really have a good game, but as it is now it's really unsurprising to me if various random people (whom you theoretically want to be more invested in your game) decide to play other games and abandon this franchise. It's like I want this to be one of my favorite games, but it's impossible so long as it's TROLOLOL when it comes to both efficient (time-saving), precise control and information, plus other strange things. For an example of something you theoretically care about as an anecdote reflecting part of the overall reality, right now there's no chance I wouldn't mention how annoying the game is now to a friend of mine who plays similar games to me, and that's only if I was asked about the game anyway. I wouldn't recommend it to him, especially proactively, because I know it has too many flaws to really be worth his limited time.
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by Daisuki-chan »

Well, I guess this doesn't matter to anyone here, but this game is seriously wearing on me...I honestly think you'd be able to sell it to more people if you froze adding new features until you went hardcore on the smoothness and efficiency of gameplay. It's unacceptable that it's automatically a micromanagement hell at first (yes, unacceptable unless you seriously have the goal of having 10% or less of the popularity you could have; telling people that they ought to simply enjoy what is hell to them solves nothing for anyone; it certainly doesn't improve things to those who prefer micromanagement hell, as they always have the ability to subject themselves to that if they wish), and in fact stays that way forever for some things. The COO has no concept of either overall firm or overall corporation profitability (as I've mentioned selling at "cost" simply means huge losses; it's nonsense). Both are very important, especially the latter. Buttons are also simply garbage in general when it comes to making (not confirming) numerical changes. I know a cacophony of people could appear to tell me that perhaps this game simply isn't for me, but that's not really right. The fact is that the game is just backwards for no reason, and you should devote yourself to making it possible to save as much time as possible without crippling your corporation by doing so, as well as to making the precision of both actions and information the absolute maximum for everything. If you like real world money, brand, popularity, etc., that is.
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by WilliamMGary »

Daisuki-chan wrote:Well, I guess this doesn't matter to anyone here, but this game is seriously wearing on me...I honestly think you'd be able to sell it to more people if you froze adding new features until you went hardcore on the smoothness and efficiency of gameplay. It's unacceptable that it's automatically a micromanagement hell at first (yes, unacceptable unless you seriously have the goal of having 10% or less of the popularity you could have; telling people that they ought to simply enjoy what is hell to them solves nothing for anyone; it certainly doesn't improve things to those who prefer micromanagement hell, as they always have the ability to subject themselves to that if they wish), and in fact stays that way forever for some things. The COO has no concept of either overall firm or overall corporation profitability (as I've mentioned selling at "cost" simply means huge losses; it's nonsense). Both are very important, especially the latter. Buttons are also simply garbage in general when it comes to making (not confirming) numerical changes. I know a cacophony of people could appear to tell me that perhaps this game simply isn't for me, but that's not really right. The fact is that the game is just backwards for no reason, and you should devote yourself to making it possible to save as much time as possible without crippling your corporation by doing so, as well as to making the precision of both actions and information the absolute maximum for everything. If you like real world money, brand, popularity, etc., that is.

I know the developers are open to suggestions on how to improve the game. I've made suggestion so has others, even with the flaws that the game does have it doesn't for most of us take away from the game play. Ranting about the flaws in numerous threads doesn't put the game a step closer to improving.

based on your above post are your suggestions that a company start out with a COO and that the COO in a human player corporation takes in both their firm and the company operations overall?
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Re: Improvements and new minor features after release (list

Post by Daisuki-chan »

WilliamMGary wrote:I know the developers are open to suggestions on how to improve the game. I've made suggestion so has others, even with the flaws that the game does have it doesn't for most of us take away from the game play. Ranting about the flaws in numerous threads doesn't put the game a step closer to improving.

based on your above post are your suggestions that a company start out with a COO and that the COO in a human player corporation takes in both their firm and the company operations overall?
Most of whom, though? Not most of as many as there could be. The problems I mention REALLY annoy and slow down the game. So you're effectively just saying it doesn't matter so much because you can take it. That's cool, but it means nothing. For Enlight's sake Enlight should focus on having a smooth, efficient, precise game. Adding new features before fixing that only appeals to those already able to tolerate the problems. It doesn't really make the game good to those many who dislike how messed up the game is in key ways.

I already suggested critical improvements related to real estate, information, and numerical changes. Starting with a free COO-type AI that acts "as" the CEO but isn't incompetent like the COO is another thing I've suggested, and even this would still be unfair in the AI's advantage, as they'd get this and bonuses you still wouldn't get for free (perhaps right now they don't get the former, but this only works for them because they can suicide and it doesn't matter, while you absolutely can not). The key problem with the COO is the lack of any concept of overall firm and overall corporation profitability. Setting the minimum sell price at "cost" doesn't solve this as it just means large losses, as "cost" doesn't include anything but item unit price and freight.

Another thing that wastes gobs of time and has no real strategic fun factor (a sadly common thing in this game!) is finding new places to set up stores. The only thing you have to guide you is the minimap mode for land value. It only affects the minimap (SimCity again has done better; also changing the main map for various modes!), and land value isn't exactly what you want anyway! What should really exist is a combined minimap AND main map mode that simply shows traffic value, and it should be perfect depending on (i.e. linked to) which type of firm you have selected to set up (i.e. 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 for most firms). Turning everything into color on the main map would save a lot of time. Honestly, you could save yet more time by ALSO simply having the top ten locations be found for you and have them cycled through by pressing a button or key. The reason this would help so much is that there is basically no strategy generally just want the highest number affordable, so you're not really thinking in any interesting way. When something is uninteresting like this the rule should be that it should take as little time as possible without sacrificing too much in the way of performing the task well. (Again, saying that it's interesting to some or even most of the current forum-active players doesn't solve anything, as it should be very easy to understand how this low level of thinking is unfun to many, and this yet again doesn't prevent the micromanagement-happy players from doing as they always did.) This game doesn't seem to follow that rule well in general, which makes it have a very high tactics:strategy ratio, and the tactics generally have a shallow learning curve as well (for me), meaning that it becomes a rote calculation in most cases, which is not interesting to think about and thus should occur very quickly (as opposed to very slowly as it tends to be in this game), preferably without me having to bother with it at all. As the game is competing with all strategy games (and not just games extremely similar to it, which are less common) maximizing the strategy ratio (apparently achievable without making it so those who prefer tactics are unable to have their fun) would improve the game in a general sense, even if the current fanatics would rather have new features.

The hide apartments toggle should hide all tall buildings or really just all buildings; everything that matters has a label you can toggle on, and it's annoying (i.e. inaccurate and time-wasting; these are linked as the only way to maximize accuracy in various cases is to waste as much time as necessary) to find land you own amongst a sea of nonsense.

As for "ranting", I explained how bipolar this game is to me, and the fact that the only official responses I've gotten don't seem very enthusiastic about improving non-"feature" elements of the game I can only plead my heart out, explaining that perhaps it would be nice for Enlight to earn enough players to get more than dozens of votes in polls...
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