Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

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Would Alerts and/or reminders be helpful

Both alerts and reminders would be helpful
Reminders would be helpful
Alerts would be helpful
No votes
Maybe, but not for my style of play
Total votes: 33

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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by Yimmy »

twenty-four votes and still fishing for more. Please forgive me if you think it is shameless to beg for votes. My goal is to get to 30 to hear what David has to say about potential for implementation.
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by ohms_law »

This really should be done. It is kind of more of a "power gamer" feature, but it'd just be so useful!
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by Stylesjl »

Yes, I think these would be good to have:

Optional reminders to do the following (default is that they would be Off).

- If your company or a subsidiary has no Public Share Holders - remind player if another person sells their shares to the public. Note this could be extended to a specific company - sometimes I want to buy up a particular company and sometimes the existing people sell their shares to the public. It would be nice to get a reminder so I can snatch those up instead of bidding a very high amount.

- If Dividend is > 0 set an optional reminder before the dividend is paid. Specify how much per share is expected currently.

- Agriculture reminders. A crop is being sown, a crop is being harvested.

- Not sure about interest reminders - I think the current alerts are probably enough.

- One new suggestion - alert when demand exceeds supply (choosing the firm(s) to apply this alert to). Always annoying when this happens and I don't realise when it is happening. Maybe have a rule that the demand must exceed supply for a certain number of months (to ensure it is not a temporary issue).
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by Yimmy »

I am very pleased with the recent votes getting us closer (28) to the 30 positive votes threshold. If we could get 2 more positives, David is, I hope, likely to comment on the possibility of implementing alerts and reminders.
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by David »

Good to see that the new votes. I'm delighted to inform you that the dev team is going to evaluate the feasibility of its implementation.

They would need more details in order to evaluate it:

>How will the interface of this Alerts & Reminders system look like?

>What are the categories of alerts and reminders?

>Which category do you think are most useful? Those for supply chain management?

>The current alert system at the bottom-left of the game screen already reminds players about stopped supplies and relinked supplies. What other new ones would you suggest?

>Will this new system integrate with the existing alert system or be a separate system?

>Do you like the existing alert system? What improvements would you suggest? Do you suggest revamping it with an interface overhaul? If so, any concrete suggestions?
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by cantdownloadit »

While I wouldn't use this feature (I want less popups not more).

I think all notifications should be in one notification area, similar to how the goals window works.

I also wish notifications would stick to those areas - for instance the city goal notifications popup and kick you out of whatever you are doing, it would be far better if those notifications appeared in the goals screen.

I think the alert tracker can be improved a lot, probably with a list of pending alerts/notifications which can be filtered by type, alarm, disaster, warning, research, new product launches, firm acquired, firm losing money, subsidiary losing money etc. (and allow exporting for those who want to keep info)

but for notifications from what ive seen people want crop sowing time, dividend become due, election due soon to check candidates in right place etc. - may be a free form option is easiest, people can set the subject, short message, whether its one off or repeats annually.

the current system isnt that helpful I find, for instance if you take over a company you just get a 1 or xxx firms taken over message.
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by ohms_law »


To start with, how about just a date picker alert? It doesn't need to be specific to anything, just pick a date and have the game pause and alert you when that date arrives. Simple!
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by Yimmy »

David: This is good news; persistence and advertising does pay off. I will provide some of my thoughts to a few of your questions. I hope others who also have some thoughts on the design will comment a well.

"How will the interface of this Alerts & Reminders system look like?"

[i]Use the existing message delivery system for alerts. Delivering freeform reminders, might require a text input vehicle to enter specific reminders, along with the message delivery that displays the reminder according to user preference.[/i]

[i]I think a few different formats would be valuable. I see crop reminders as fairly freeform as opposed to creating a checklist of reminders for each crop. For example, setting a crop reminder would require the user to enter message text such as crop "y" sowing/harvest season begins in "x" number of days. The user would identify their desired "trigger date" The program flashes the message when the trigger date is activated. An option to pause the game to ensure the user sees the reminder would be desirable, as well as an option to repeat the reminder for the following season -- the default would be to terminate the reminder to avoid a cluttered message window. [/i]

"Which category do you think are most useful? Those for supply chain management? "

[i]User stylesjl recommended demand exceeded supply alerts. I think this would be a fantastic option. I also think it would be more complex to program the various conditions and circumstances to accommodate users varied preferences. My preference would be to see such an option in a report that could be filtered and sorted based on selected criteria. For example, a report (sorted by duration or by a ratio of demand to supply) showing demand for product x in firm y has esceeded supply for duration z. The report could list the the top ten bottlenecked products/firms. A report showing the the bottom 10 where little or no product is selling.could also be used for the reverse -- to show products.firms that aren't selling any of their supply.

"Will this new system integrate with the existing alert system or be a separate system?"

[i]Why not integrate with the existing system? Doing so could provide a checklist of all exisitng alerts along with proposed new alerts. The checklist option empowers each user to 1) choose which alerts they wish to see, if any, 2) whether to pause or flash the alert to ensure it is read. Some voters idicated they wouldn't use alerts and reminders. Integrating a checklist for alerts would enable such users to turn off some or all of exisitng alerts -- this creates a win for everyone.
The following suggested enhancements might be overkill, but I make them to see if any are viable: 1) include the ability to set varying degrees of importance. 2) audible alert of speech for most important alerts/reminders, 3) bold/italic/flashing display for non-urgent but still important messages, 4) non-intrusive log entry display for merely informative statements; 5) checklist of all alerts so they could be activated/deactivated according to user preference.[/i]

"Do you suggest revamping it with an interface overhaul? "

[i]No, not a complete overhaul. I support the concept of getting the biggest bang for the least buck. I think concentrating on the simplest options first and using the capabilities that already exist or could be adapted/tweaked to provide the most features. [/i]
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by David »

I've forwarded your suggestion to the dev team.

They are positive about it but would need a more in-depth analysis in order to give a definite answer on whether it can be implemented.

One major concern is that when the variety of alerts increases significantly, will the current interface still be sufficient for handling them? All alerts will be indicated by the Alert icon on the bottom-left menu bar. Will this end up making the interface for alerts less user friendly?

A window-based alert system like the goal window can potentially be implemented to mitigate this but a more thorough analysis and discussion is required. Basically you click on an alert on the window to go the location associated with the alert. The Alert icon on the bottom-left menu bar will be retained. You can click on it if you just want to see the next Alert, instead of choosing one from the list on the window.

Another approach is to show the alerts in a display format like the News Log (it can be opened by hot key 'v'), which is not window-based. It can be opened by right-clicking on the Alert icon on the bottom-left menu bar whereas left-clicking will attend the next alert.

Which approach do you like? Any suggestions on other approaches are also welcome.

Once the interface system for displaying alert is defined, we can then proceed to discuss the types of customizable alerts.
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Re: Improvement poll -- Alerts & Reminders

Post by cantdownloadit »

not much comment as its a feature i wont use, however

Regarding goal alerts, i would prefer those to be directed to the goals window (or a new notifications window if that is what is added), so i can choose to read them or not - eg the city population ones that pop up and kick you out of whatever window you were in.
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