Banking - 2 suggestions

Banking and Finance DLC for Capitalism Lab
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Banking - 2 suggestions

Post by avengerbg »

First one, since banks are sort of mini subsidaries, any profit they made is kept inside bank, as any expenses are deducted from their capital. I want to suggest an option to "cash out %x" that is controled from player, in the same way devidends are paid from subsidaries. it can be like devidends on yearly basis, montly, or even at the very moment profit is made. I know there is option to withdraw money from bank, but there is situation where all bank cash is closed into loans, also i know there is option for loan to assets ratio, to make bank keep cash reserve so you can do withdraws. But it will be more conviniant in my optinion to have such option, and will remove the need of watching those things and remove micromanagment in cases when you want to take out some cash from bank assets.

The second one, when bank capital ratio falls bellow % that is set in game, bank stops issuing new loans, even if there is milions in cash inside, while in same time it keeps accepting deposits, at this point bank starts working on loss, specialy when you start new game with low capital, and some of other corporations if not all deposit huge amount of cash, bank goes in huge negative, becouse it have to pay deposit interest, but dont lend any more loans even if there is milions of cash. So may be stop accepting deposits too if bank capital ratio goes bellow the set %. or an option to turn on and off deposits.
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